National Association for Equality (Landsforeningen Ligeværd)  

The National Association is an umbrella organisation which aims to ensure equal opportunities for citizens of all ages with special needs whether these needs are academic, work related, housing related or functions related. The traditional paths towards an education, a job, an independent life are often not accessible to people with special needs, and appropriate options for achieving these goals are not necessarily a given. 

The National Association works to 

  •  increase knowledge and understanding for people with special needs 
  •  ensure possibilities and options in relation to education, work, housing and leisure activities 
  •  ensure that education, work and leisure activities accommodate special needs 
  •  create housing which is attuned to the special social needs of the target group 
  •  ensure that people with special needs experience continuity and security in their contact with the social and   professional systems 
  •  ensure transparency and coherence in the social and professional system 
  •  ensure that new legislature offers appropriate options to people with special needs 


Ligeværd støtter unge med særlige behov og deres forældre med råd og vejledning.

Kontakt ligelinie

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