Union for Equality (Ligeværd) 

Equality is a national community and main organization for three member organizations, who each in their area are working to improve the conditions for people with special needs in terms of education-, employment-, housing- and social conditions. 

The commom vision and values are equality and equal options in everyones life, including people with special needs. The common mission is to improve national legislation and administration to embrace people with special needs and enhance their need for education, employment, housing and social life. The ultimate goal is to ensure the options for people with special needs to build and live as independent as possible. 

The three member organizations, National Association for Equality (LL), Youth for Equality (UFL) og Professional Forum for Equality (LFF), are cooperating closely i a commom to reach the common vision of the organization. 

Union for Equality is working closely in cooperation with other organizations end companys in the area of improving living conditions for people with special needs. Union for equalitys assignment is both to underscore the lack of equality in national legislation and problems in administration and working with developing new solutions to the challenges that equality for people with special needs meets in their lives.  


Ligeværd støtter unge med særlige behov og deres forældre med råd og vejledning.

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